Some peeps dare suggest it's a bad thing or at least an activity that is unbecoming of someone in said maturity to play video games.
Yes, there is quiet mocking, perhaps gentle laughter...certainly behind the door snickering; kids play games after all - not us busy, mature, and sensible adults.
Piffle I retort!
Why wouldn't one indulge in a realm where one can fly as a dragon, battle a legion of the undead, rescue a town from an invading army, complete missions for a royal family and even levitate objects around oneself with arcane magic.
Or perhaps to spend some time to adventure into the endless expanse of space where one can mine, refine and assemble a variety of raw materials to creatively construct one's very own space ship.
To then, given the time, enter a virtual place where one can jump in the some of the world's most expensive vehicles and race around open roads with others or perhaps adorn my military boots and fight endless rounds of warfare in tanks, helicopters, planes and on the ground amidst the explosions.
And yes, one might even budget an hour over the weekend to head off to an island where there dinosaurs roam and play.
I mean why suffer the banality of bars, pubs and nightclubs having to endure marching through the traffic of people and their polluting automobiles in the city? Why travel to pay the inflated costs at restaurants when that microwave over there can provide all the low cost meals I can devour, including popcorn...oh my goodness, the popcorn!
And why oh why, during my precious weekend would I want to spend time pandering to the competitive world of "crap, I just broke my ankle" sports...
No sir! Give me my mouse and keyboard worlds any day. In particular, this Friday.
Warmest wishes,
David "Gaming Nerd" Innes
From the foothills in Perth
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