Motivation to do things, one does not want to do, seems abundantly difficult to gather.
Name it...
If you aren't keen, passionate, salivating towards or even mildly interested in it - one wont do it. Or at the very least one struggles to do it.
However most of these motivational challenges are happily rejected with a lofty hand to shoo it away as the nuisance it appears to be.
Bah humbug I say to such shackles! To quote from Churchill:
"A pessimist sees the difficult in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
Drawing philosophical muster from the above World War 2 Prime Minister's self-help guidelines; I am focusing upon the seemingly difficult task to re-train my diet and exercise routines (or lack thereof) for the opportunity of improving my physical and mental health.
To get back into a shape other than a circle.
Not that there is anything wrong with circle shaped objects. After all whom am I to judge the bountiful roundness of spherical patterns? The cuddliest soft puffiness of extra sir not I!
I stand before my reflection...empowered to transform it into a different shape. Like an artist imagining the creative possibilities of manipulating a mound of clay, refusing to stand idle with diametric resentments. Like an conservationist recycling wasteful materials in order to improve our industries into a progressive, stable, and better environmental future.
Or like a fat bastard who needs to shed some kilos.